Easter Idea Blog – Ideas for Easter Crafts, Easter Decorations, Easter Dinner and Easter Flowers

i got an easter lily plant if i plant it will it come back next year? Yup; just make sure it gets lots of bright light. http://gardencenter.southernstates.com/garden/easterlillies.shtml

This whole bit with the Easter Bunny leaving gift baskets… when did they turn Easter into a mini-Christmas? There is a Pagan story about a hare wanting to give to the Goddess the first egg of the spring as a gift to honour Her.

I want to decorate eggs with my 2 yr old son for Easter this year but he’s allergic to egg whites so I didn’t see the sense in doing real eggs. I bought some plastic eggs that we could decorate but I’m not coming up with many clevers ideas on how to do that other […]