Easter Idea Blog – Ideas for Easter Crafts, Easter Decorations, Easter Dinner and Easter Flowers

I received a very large, absolutely beautiful potted easter lily. I’m fair to average with keeping up plants but I’ve never had easter lilies before. I live in an apartment so I can’t plant them outside. I’d really like to keep them as houseplants but is that possible? How can I keep them alive? Do they need to be in front of a window with full sun? How often do they need water? when the soil is real dry or keep the soil moist all the time? As you can see, I’m clueless!! Any detailed help will be most appreciated! Thanks a bunch!

First,enjoy your beautiful lily.I to got a couple.Just water when the top of the soil feels dry to touch.Poke finger down into the soil to the first knucle,if dry,water thouroughly.They don’t need to be wet all the time.As the flowers die,just pull them off.Cut the flower branch back to the main stem.The plant will eventually turn yellow and die back.This is normal.When it starts to do this,cut the entire plant right down to just above the soil.Then put in a sunny window.Give just enough water so it stays somewhat moist.Soon you will see new growth coming up from the roots.Now you can start to water regularly as before.I usually put mine outside in the garden(live in Wisconsin).I always have beautiful Easter lilies for years and they get about 5 feet tall!

Would be a good idea,when the new growth starts to re-pot the lily into a larger container with fresh soil like Miracle Grow.Enjoy.

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First,enjoy your beautiful lily.I to got a couple.Just water when the top of the soil feels dry to touch.Poke finger down into the soil to the first knucle,if dry,water thouroughly.They don’t need to be wet all the time.As the flowers die,just pull them off.Cut the flower branch back to the main stem.The plant will eventually turn yellow and die back.This is normal.When it starts to do this,cut the entire plant right down to just above the soil.Then put in a sunny window.Give just enough water so it stays somewhat moist.Soon you will see new growth coming up from the roots.Now you can start to water regularly as before.I usually put mine outside in the garden(live in Wisconsin).I always have beautiful Easter lilies for years and they get about 5 feet tall!

Would be a good idea,when the new growth starts to re-pot the lily into a larger container with fresh soil like Miracle Grow.Enjoy.
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From my experience, keep it moist and in bright to medium light. It needs 6 hours of sunlight.
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