There are three red roses in the middle of the white easter lilies. My bouquet will be red orchids in the middle with white orchids along the outer sides. Is there too much of a difference in these bouquet flowers to look cohesive in my wedding? HELP!
Oh, that would be absolutely beautiful! The red will really stand out.
The bride’s bouquet is traditionally different from those of her bridesmaids. Some bridesmaids don’t even carry a bouquet, but a pomander instead. This is all to say that YES, you can certainly choose different flowers from those your girlies are carrying. In fact, it will make a dramatic impact.
Congratulations. 🙂
Not at all. But if you are asking you must not be comfortable with it, so change it or just put it out of your mind.
References :
20 years of wedding photography
Sounds stunning.
Please make sure the bridesmaids aren’t allergic to Easter lilies. If I’m around them for longer than 5 minutes, I’m instantly sneezing. My daughter’s throat closes up and my daughter in law gets instant headaches from the strong smell.
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Oh, that would be absolutely beautiful! The red will really stand out.
The bride’s bouquet is traditionally different from those of her bridesmaids. Some bridesmaids don’t even carry a bouquet, but a pomander instead. This is all to say that YES, you can certainly choose different flowers from those your girlies are carrying. In fact, it will make a dramatic impact.
Congratulations. 🙂
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