Easter Idea Blog – Ideas for Easter Crafts, Easter Decorations, Easter Dinner and Easter Flowers

i got an easter lily plant if i plant it will it come back next year?

Yup; just make sure it gets lots of bright light.

5 Responses

Yup; just make sure it gets lots of bright light.
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Lilium longiflorum which is often sold as the Easter Lily, is a perennial, and will multiply itself, as well as continue to grow for years to come.

Plant it outside, in free well draining soil, and add some humous to the soil first, such as well rotted compost. You can also add some slow release fertilizer too, so that it will strengthen itself whilst growing this year, ready for flowering next year onwards. They like to have their roots in the shade, and their leaves and stems in the sun, so if you have a spot like this, you’ll get great success.

Normally they flower around June / July time, and plants flowering now will have been grown in a warm greenhouse, in order to force them into flowering. Outdoors, expect it to be naturally later.

Watch out for slugs and snails, as they will eat the delicious shoots, and could ruin your plants – look out as soon as the shoots come above the soil in spring.

Otherwise, give them water during long dry spells, and a regular fertilizing too. They can also benefit from a mulch or addition of some compost etc. to the soil above their roots, as this helps preserve moisture, and allows nutrients to drain down.

I don’t know where you live, but in really cold places, add some winter protection, such as straw, or a really thick mulch of compost.

Hope this helps. Good luck! Rob
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yes, lilies come up every year but u’ll have to plant the bulb in late summer
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Yes they are perennials, however they are only hardy to zone 7, possibly 6 if it is protected. You’ll need to check what zone you are in.

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I bought mine for $1.00 at the grocery store. It was "dead". Now, 4 years later, it’s huge. I am in zone 5 and I have never done anything to it. One application of fertilizer each year. No mulch, no protection.
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