Easter Idea Blog – Ideas for Easter Crafts, Easter Decorations, Easter Dinner and Easter Flowers

Do you color eggs and hide them in your yards? Just wondering who else does this. Trying to get some geese eggs for the hunt, but they are very scarce around here at this time of year. Ever used those huge goose eggs for coloring? They are really neat, the kids really love them. I make one spray painted with craft gold spray and that is the prize egg, usually $10.00. What do you think of this?
I live in Wyoming. People here raise chickens and sell their eggs. It is very very common. They dont take them all, they have alot of baby chicks. You can also buy a sheep, pig or half a beef! If you want. No chemicals on my lawn, I have 3 dogs and a rabbit 🙂
and two kids……..

Good Idea, my family always does that, and the kids go crazy for searching for the eggs. Happy Easter!

10 Responses

Good Idea, my family always does that, and the kids go crazy for searching for the eggs. Happy Easter!
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I do!
I do!
Let’s color some eggs mommey!
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Sounds like fun.You’re never too old to color and hide eggs!
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Easter eggs: coloring and hiding them (and getting others to find them) is so much fun! I like the idea of the prize egg too! 🙂
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Actually, what I plan to do for my daughter (so she doesn’t get the chemicals in the lawn on her eggs), is hide plastic eggs all over the yard, then give her a clue that leads to the first. In that egg, there’s a little prize and another clue that leads to the next, and so on and so on until she finds her easter basket (with the dyed eggs, marbelized, of course, it’s just fun) at the end.

My mom and uncles did it for me as a youngster, and I had a blast.
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i think it seems fun- your just bspreading the good vibe and tradition of easter. but y do you take real eggs from animals? unless you take eggs from like the supermarket or something and decorate them. i hope you dont take eggs from chickens or something -[i mean like they are the animals babies]

but have a great time- i do the same hting- i decerate eggs from the supermarket and chocolate eggs fro easter. its fun!
have fun!!
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sure I will
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Sounds like fun, Am I invited, sweetie? I like to draw pictures on my eggs.
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well good to do after all its festive time if u dont do this at this time of year then at wat time u will do that i love easter but did’nt do that stuff of hiding eggs…..
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