When I was having a lot of problems in my first year of motherhood a local church outreach group really helped me pull through. Now that I am in a blessed place, I want to share my grace with others.
A read a story on someone’s blog about how a local church put on an easter event for the underprivilaged kids. They had a easter egg hunt w/ resurection eggs, gave out religous ispired easter baskets and did some ‘He Has Risen" crafts.
I would LOVE to do something similar next year, so I may help others and take the burden of those who helped me and continue to help others. I am planning now becasue of the large finantial cost that I must save for all year
I am budgeting $800-$1000 for 80-100 kids
I am being realistic? Will I need permits? Do I sent invites? I don’t want to run out of supplies/crafts. Should I plan for more and invite less?
Any and all ideas welcome! I don’t have much saved yet, so buying after easter won’t be an option. Thanks!!
I live in the Central Valley of California
To save on costs, you can make requests to local businesses to donate plastic eggs, activity supplies, and other Easter-related items. Make fliers about the event and ask people from your church to hand them out. Ask shelters, libraries, and children’s hospitals if you can leave fliers with them to promote the event.
To save on costs, you can make requests to local businesses to donate plastic eggs, activity supplies, and other Easter-related items. Make fliers about the event and ask people from your church to hand them out. Ask shelters, libraries, and children’s hospitals if you can leave fliers with them to promote the event.
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