Easter Idea Blog – Ideas for Easter Crafts, Easter Decorations, Easter Dinner and Easter Flowers

i am volunteering to help out my church have some fun things for the kids who attend…so far i’ve thought of having an egg hunt with prizes for the winners, a coloring contest of some easter picture, and baking some cute easter cupcakes for them…
are there any other ideas like arts and crafts projects they can do or other activities that can be fun for them??
these kids range in age from 2-13

THank you!

For the older kids maybe a balloon relay, split them into teams, each person has to run with the balloon between their legs down an obstacle course. The very last person on the team has to pop the ballon to win. (to make it more difficult, tell them they can’t touch the balloon with their hands).

The younger kids can try a relay carrying a hard boiled egg with a spoon. The younger the group, the larger the spoon should be (serving spoons for 2yr olds, smaller spoons for 5 yr olds)

For your egg hunt…why not try and make it into a scavenger hunt sort of thing with clues inside the eggs to lead them to their next egg. The last egg they find can have their “prize”.

One suggestion, I’d hand out prizes to ALL the kids, not just the winners. That way you can avoid tears from the losing teams.

Have Fun 🙂

6 Responses

The Christian Family Easter Book
copyright 1989
by Ron and Lyn Klug has some great stories and songs to sing.
You left out coloring eggs fun for all ages!
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For the older kids maybe a balloon relay, split them into teams, each person has to run with the balloon between their legs down an obstacle course. The very last person on the team has to pop the ballon to win. (to make it more difficult, tell them they can’t touch the balloon with their hands).

The younger kids can try a relay carrying a hard boiled egg with a spoon. The younger the group, the larger the spoon should be (serving spoons for 2yr olds, smaller spoons for 5 yr olds)

For your egg hunt…why not try and make it into a scavenger hunt sort of thing with clues inside the eggs to lead them to their next egg. The last egg they find can have their "prize".

One suggestion, I’d hand out prizes to ALL the kids, not just the winners. That way you can avoid tears from the losing teams.

Have Fun 🙂
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You have some great ideas! I would color Easter eggs with them too. (Here’s a tip: Draw on the hard boiled eggs with any color of a crayon, then dip them in the water.) I hope you have a good time!
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decorate a hard boiled egg. we used to do that when we were little. great for older kids too.
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