Ok, so I just did a Breakfast with Santa event and the craft was a quick and simple Snowman Soup. I’ve done Snowman Poop and Reindeer food in the past. Now it’s Easter and I need an idea like those but applied to Easter. Any ideas?
This needs to be quick!! These kids are little and it’s a long day so the parents just want to get our of there. I usually have the kids hold a bag open and I scoop the ingredients in and tie it for them and that’s it!!
It can’t be messy. I literally have a time-frame of about 30 minutes and 175 kids. It needs to be quick and simple. Their parents just want to get out of there and dont’ really have the patience to stick around long.
make a bunny face out of cotton balls glued to a piece of paper and for teeth use chicklet gum and for whiskers use the skinny licorice strings.
HELLO color easter eggs and decorate them with stickers. Pretty pastels for gils…bright for boys…Just make em like a kit….or you could add stuff to decorate baskets…Or even make easter bunny food have fun and be creative
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Decorate eggs, you can often buy a little plastic thing that got patterns on it and you put it in water and the pattern goes on the egg. Make sure you hard boil the eggs first!
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make a bunny face out of cotton balls glued to a piece of paper and for teeth use chicklet gum and for whiskers use the skinny licorice strings.
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you can buy small hollow plastic balls, you might even find them egg shaped, and have the kids put stickers on them so it’s not too messy
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Lots to choose from-Super Easy & Cute:
Have fun! 🙂
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