now that my easter lily plant has lost its blooms can i re plant it outside in los angeles weather and will it grow outside
It will grow fine outside. Once the flowers all die off, cut the stem down to 3 inches and plant it outside. Make sure too add plenty of organic compost to the area where you plant it, and plant it in the sun. You might even get it to bloom again this fall if you are lucky.
Yes. Its best to dry it out once the foilage has died off and keep in cool dark place, and plant next year, but Ive thrown in garden and theve come back the next year before, maybe cause we dont get too much rain to rot the bulb after spring.
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It will grow fine outside. Once the flowers all die off, cut the stem down to 3 inches and plant it outside. Make sure too add plenty of organic compost to the area where you plant it, and plant it in the sun. You might even get it to bloom again this fall if you are lucky.
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You can plant it outside. Cut back everything and plant it in the ground. It will grow and bloom every Easter and more will come up from it. Plant in a grouping like along an edge or in a corner.
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Lillies are perennials meaning they will come back year after year. Just make sure you’re past the last frost for your area, pick a sunny spot and plant your lily. It should grow just fine.
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