Easter Idea Blog – Ideas for Easter Crafts, Easter Decorations, Easter Dinner and Easter Flowers

I received a very healthy & blooming Easter Lily this Spring and although it has quit blooming, it is still very healthy. Is it possible to plant it outside and have it thrive in the central Virginia region? Or should it remain an indoor plant? Thanks for any advice

you can plant them outside..they are a bulb flower…which means they will grow again and again every year…they will also grow little baby bulbs under the ground…which it good…Don’t cut the stem off it unless you already have…this will go brown .the bulb is pulling all the nutrients back into the bulb so it will bloom again and again…after it goes brown gently cut it off dirt level…these bulb will go through almost any type of weather….because the ground takes care of it !!

4 Responses

We did that before in California and it still looks great after two years…
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I planted one a couple of years ago and it did really well.
I think they can only have partial sun
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I live in OK and planted 2 lillies @ opposite ends of my porch. They each had about 6 blooms when planted 3 yrs. ago. The next year they came back w/ about 8 blooms each, and came back before Easter. Last yr. they came back w/ about 14 blooms each and came up in May. Beautiful flowers, but very weather permitting. They have sprouted this yr., but no blooms and there are about 4 plants that have pollenated from each lillie. Weird. I have 8 more to plant, yet. So, yes they will do alright, but be patient but don’t be sad when they don’t last very long.
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you can plant them outside..they are a bulb flower…which means they will grow again and again every year…they will also grow little baby bulbs under the ground…which it good…Don’t cut the stem off it unless you already have…this will go brown .the bulb is pulling all the nutrients back into the bulb so it will bloom again and again…after it goes brown gently cut it off dirt level…these bulb will go through almost any type of weather….because the ground takes care of it !!
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