Easter Idea Blog – Ideas for Easter Crafts, Easter Decorations, Easter Dinner and Easter Flowers

I have a potted easter lily. The flowers are just about done. Should it be cut down? If so how far? What about guidelines for planting it outside?

Just dig a hole a little deeper than the potting of the lily. I wouldn’t cut back the green until they turn by themselves. Otherwise, the bulb may not regenerate to produce blooms for next Spring.

4 Responses

Just dig a hole a little deeper than the potting of the lily. I wouldn’t cut back the green until they turn by themselves. Otherwise, the bulb may not regenerate to produce blooms for next Spring.
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My mom has some planted in her flower bed.They come back every year and they multiply.Now we have several little plant too. When you dig the hole,it wouldn’t hurt to dig a little deeper than necessary and put some good potting soil in it and cover the hole up with it too.And then water it.
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Usually what happens is that the green stem and leaves die down. Then a new stem pushes through the soil (the summer after you have planted the lily in your garden). I’ve had once-potted Easter lilies bloom the summer after they have been planted outside in the spring. I water them and usually just use regular soil when planting.
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Agree with the others. I would also snap off the spent blooms. The leaves help provide the energy for next year’s blooms.
good luck
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