Rabbits and eggs are pagan fertility symbols of extreme antiquity.
Birds lay eggs and rabbits give birth to large litters in the early spring these became symbols of the rising fertility of the earth during the spring season.
Since Easter also occurs in the early spring, people brought the beloved pagan symbols into the Christian celebration of Easter.
These pagan symbols have become part of the Christian tradition. They do not take anything away from the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and they add to the celebration.
Christianity has frequently absorbed the positive and neutral symbols of pagan religions while leaving the negative symbols behind, similar to Christmas trees and Halloween costumes.
Easter lilies are generally in bloom during the Easter season.
With love in Christ.
Here are Easter symbols and their explanations:
Easter Bells that come from Rome blessed by the pope.
Easter Eggs that were offered in the ancient Egypt as gifts at the beginning of the Spring.
The Lily because a legend says that when Jesus went to a place, all the plants bowed to its passage, except for the lilies. Since that day, the lily continues to bend his head as a mark of respect.
The Easter Bunny that symbolizes proliferation and abundance.
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The egg is given to symbolise the ending of the lenten fast which comes before Easter. It is extremly unlikely to have any connection with Ancient Egypt as the custom started, according to the historical record, in the middle ages in Eastern Europe.
The bunny is relatively recent and probably relates to a folk myth about hares laying eggs as they do make nests (forms) rather like bird nests.
The Easter lily story is given above.
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Eggs are a symbol of rebirth. As in, Christ died and was risen on Easter. Those who accept Him are "reborn". We hatch out of our eggs of sinful living and into the world of Christ.
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Easter Bells:- Are rung in France and Italy throughout the year but they are not rung on the Thursday before good Friday. They are silent as way to remember the death of Jesus. They are then rung on Easter Sunday as way of telling people Jesus is alive again.
The Cross:- This is the symbol for the Christian religion as Jesus was nailed to a cross but then came back to life.
The Easter Lily:- The lily was a reminder to the Christians of how Jesus came back to life. The white Easter Lily is used in many Easter services. It is supposed to be a symbol of the purity of the Virgin Mary.
Easter Flowers:- Such as daffodil, narcissus and the tulip. Area symbol as they bloom in the spring.
Pussy Willows:- These are especially picked at Easter in England and Russia. People would tap each other on the shoulders with a branch of the pussy willow for good luck.
Lambs:- The lamb is a symbol as people thought of Jesus as the Good Shepherd who would watch over them as they were lambs. Lambs are born in spring. The Israelites also used lamb’s blood to save their firstborn in ancient Egypt.
Rabbits:- Rabbits are reminder of spring and new life. They were the favorite animal of the spring goddess Eastre.
The Egg:- These are a symbol of spring as well as Easter. They are a sign of new life.
Chicks:- The chicks are born from eggs and are a reminder of spring and Easter.
Candles:- Candles give light in darkness. Jesus is seen as "the eternal light" showing Christians the way from death to life.
Palm Branches:- These are used as a symbol of peace.
Bread:- Unleavened flat bread is eaten to remember Jesus’s sacrifice.
Wine:- Red wine is drunk to remember Jesus shedding His blood for humans.
Fireworks:- These are believed to frighten away evil spirits. They also show that out of darkness comes light.
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Rabbits and eggs are pagan fertility symbols of extreme antiquity.
Birds lay eggs and rabbits give birth to large litters in the early spring these became symbols of the rising fertility of the earth during the spring season.
Since Easter also occurs in the early spring, people brought the beloved pagan symbols into the Christian celebration of Easter.
These pagan symbols have become part of the Christian tradition. They do not take anything away from the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and they add to the celebration.
Christianity has frequently absorbed the positive and neutral symbols of pagan religions while leaving the negative symbols behind, similar to Christmas trees and Halloween costumes.
Easter lilies are generally in bloom during the Easter season.
With love in Christ.
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