Easter Idea Blog – Ideas for Easter Crafts, Easter Decorations, Easter Dinner and Easter Flowers

what is your favorite candy as well ?? mine is the chocolate dipped marshmellows. Hi, good to see you again! Ham and sweet potatoes with ice cream and chocolate cake for dessert are what we have often had. Favorite candy? Chocolate covered blueberries, and I haven’t had any for months! I don’t have any recipes, […]

US $175.00 (0 Bid) End Date: Monday Mar-29-2010 13:46:58 PDTBuy It Now for only: US $195.00Bid now | Buy it now | Add to watch list

US $45.00 End Date: Wednesday Mar-31-2010 11:55:25 PDTBuy It Now for only: US $45.00Buy it now | Add to watch list


This bunny looks like Jerry Lewis, but sweeter! Adorable bunny cupcake perfect for Easter celebrations. It’s packed with more sugar than we usually use in our recipes – so don’t be surprised if you’re bouncin’ around like a bunny! Watch all our video recipes at: http://spatulatta.com Duration : 0:1:58

Real eggs are a healthy treat for kids. Learn how to use hardboiled eggs in this free Easter video clip about making the perfect children’s Easter basket. Expert: Matt Cail Contact: www.homepaintings.biz Bio: Matt Cail is an artist who works in oil, water color and acrylic paints, among others. Filmmaker: randy primm Duration : 0:1:9

I got all these 1 pound bunnies for easter, and they arent teh best tasting chocolate, so id like to use them in a recipe, does any1 have any recipes containing a pound of chocolate bunnies? eating chocolate is not the same as baking chocolate … the sugar/oil ratio is different, and it’ll probably burn. […]

I received a very healthy & blooming Easter Lily this Spring and although it has quit blooming, it is still very healthy. Is it possible to plant it outside and have it thrive in the central Virginia region? Or should it remain an indoor plant? Thanks for any advice Yes, you can plant them outside..they […]

US $35.99 End Date: Monday Mar-29-2010 21:46:12 PDTBuy It Now for only: US $35.99Buy it now | Add to watch list

US $18.99 (0 Bid) End Date: Sunday Mar-28-2010 22:29:43 PDTBuy It Now for only: US $24.99Bid now | Buy it now | Add to watch list

US $30.00 (0 Bid) End Date: Wednesday Mar-31-2010 11:14:50 PDTBuy It Now for only: US $33.00Bid now | Buy it now | Add to watch list

http://insightfulnana.com The Easter Lemon Cake is just the ticket for your family’s Easter dinner. It is so easy to make.. your kids can help. The whipped topping is a refreshing change from frosting. This Lemon Cake has an extra ingredient that makes it especially good. Watch and see what is. Duration : 0:4:32

Find more Easter crafts and songs for children and preschoolers at http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=B3D262DE90FC9AC5! Art gives your child a chance to express themselves through their imagination. Art allows children to explore and understand their world through creative experiences that emphasize the process of art, not the product. When your child is creating there is no right or […]

Do you color eggs and hide them in your yards? Just wondering who else does this. Trying to get some geese eggs for the hunt, but they are very scarce around here at this time of year. Ever used those huge goose eggs for coloring? They are really neat, the kids really love them. I […]

after the eggs are hunted & whatever you use for deviled eggs put a few drops of red food coloring in the yolk & it will make a pretty color for the egg white filling.

I recieved this plant as a gift and I don’t want to kill it. How often does it need water? Do you water it from the top or do you let is soak water from the bottom? Do I plant it out side or is this an inside plant? Please help. Easter lilies will tolerate […]