Easter Idea Blog – Ideas for Easter Crafts, Easter Decorations, Easter Dinner and Easter Flowers

Me and a few friends are organising the easter dance this year at a mormon church and have a very low budget for decoration, a tenner (£) maximum. How can we decorate the hall?
Answers so far are great. Any Others?

Streamers are fairly cheap. You could twist them and run them in loops along the ceiling. It really does change the entire room, and it’s easy. Also Christmas lights, if done correctly (and borrowed from people who already have them) could work. You could also try and get some of those fake trees that people often have in their home and place them around the room to hide the walls. Construction or crepe paper flowers can go on the walls, as well, and since they’re very colorful, they’d fit with the theme. Also, if you’re having the party in the gym, you should probably put streamers in the basketball hoop to hide it. (Or maybe cover it with a big, handmade paper egg or something.)

I’ve had to do this before for a catering company. Get the lights and the streamers, and you can really change the entire room for very little.

3 Responses

String up some colored ribbons and tie Easter Baskets on them. Buy some big colored eggs and place them around the room.
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The good thing about Easter is that nature provides its own decorations for it. Bring in fresh wildflowers or garden flowers and place blossoming branches in vases for a springtime effect. 🙂
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Streamers are fairly cheap. You could twist them and run them in loops along the ceiling. It really does change the entire room, and it’s easy. Also Christmas lights, if done correctly (and borrowed from people who already have them) could work. You could also try and get some of those fake trees that people often have in their home and place them around the room to hide the walls. Construction or crepe paper flowers can go on the walls, as well, and since they’re very colorful, they’d fit with the theme. Also, if you’re having the party in the gym, you should probably put streamers in the basketball hoop to hide it. (Or maybe cover it with a big, handmade paper egg or something.)

I’ve had to do this before for a catering company. Get the lights and the streamers, and you can really change the entire room for very little.
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