I have an Easter Lily. It is dying. Is it a bulb that will grow back next year? Or do I need to throw it away? If it’s a bulb, how do I get it to make more bulbs? Do I keep watering it? Do I cut off the dead plant stalk? Anything you know would help… Thanx.
Don’t through it away! Plant it in your garden and it will grow back next year and for many years to come. It will even reproduce and there will be many more. 🙂 It is a bulb. Bulbs will automatically make more bulbs on their own. You don’t need to water it any more if it’s dead now. You can cut off the dead plant stalk if you want, but you don’t have to.
If it’s planted in the ground then it will come back next year.
If it’s just sort of planted in a pot, then no It wont
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It is a bulb. And like any bulb, you can dig it up and replant it again. Cut back the dead parts (it will probably all die back), but next spring, it should be ready to bloom again. Depending on where you live, you might consider planting it outdoors. Otherwise, just keep it in cool place until next spring and replant.
Best of luck.
Guru of Gardens
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Don’t through it away! Plant it in your garden and it will grow back next year and for many years to come. It will even reproduce and there will be many more. 🙂 It is a bulb. Bulbs will automatically make more bulbs on their own. You don’t need to water it any more if it’s dead now. You can cut off the dead plant stalk if you want, but you don’t have to.
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I got one over 5 years ago and it still comes back up every year…with extras. 🙂
Somebody gave me one of those things last year, and I kept it in the house as long as the foliage stayed nice because it provided some greenery. As the leaves began to fade, I moved it out onto the deck, and at some point the cat knocked it off the deck into the bed below. The bulb lived, anyway, and grew back new foliage over the course of the summer, and is now up and growing this year. That’s my experience. Only time will tell if the thing ever blooms again, but it certainly isn’t harming anybody by trying.
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