Easter Idea Blog – Ideas for Easter Crafts, Easter Decorations, Easter Dinner and Easter Flowers

Find more Easter crafts and songs for children and preschoolers at http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=B3D262DE90FC9AC5!

Art gives your child a chance to express themselves through their imagination. Art allows children to explore and understand their world through creative experiences that emphasize the process of art, not the product. When your child is creating there is no right or wrong way, only their way. (Art instruction does not have specific guide lines for children to follow like a craft.) Art allows your child to be free in their creative mind.

Duration : 0:3:19

[youtube louAYkJPETQ]

7 Responses

You are doing great …
You are doing great do you have videos for count down to Easter My daughter who by the way looks alot like you.
Wants a Christian Video to count down to Easter teaching her Children how to count kinda like the Advent Calander.

This is a FANTASTIC …
This is a FANTASTIC idea! Thank you!! I am a fairly new Christian and looking for all the possible ways to teach my little two year old about our Lord. : )

Jesus sounds YUMMY
Jesus sounds YUMMY

Thanks 🙂
Thanks 🙂

Just wanted to …

Just wanted to say that I really like this idea. I’ll have to try this with my daughter some time. She loves to do hands-on things like this. Thanks for sharing the idea!

Clever :]
Clever :]

What a _sweet_ way …
What a _sweet_ way to share the story with my sons! Thanks for sharing your gift with us… I choose to stay at home with my kids, so we are on a pretty tight budget and I really genuinely appreciate the fact that you’re sharing all of these great ideas for free! May the Lord bless you and keep you. Your videos have certainly been a blessing to my kids and me!

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