Easter Idea Blog – Ideas for Easter Crafts, Easter Decorations, Easter Dinner and Easter Flowers

Ten days and 1500 photos later resulted in this time lapse video clip.
The singer is Debbie King. Hear more of her marvelous singing at Kantstopkaraoke.com. Her screen name is Redhead1.

Duration : 0:0:54


Make your kids feel extra special this Easter with a homemade Easter basket. Learn easy tips to start a basket in this free Easter video about making personalized easter gift baskets for children.

Expert: Karina Fraley
Contact: www.mommywood.com
Bio: Karina Fraley is the official mom for leading parenting site, mommywood.com. She is working on a crafting book for kids and a documentary of food allergies.
Filmmaker: Karina Fraley

Duration : 0:1:25


Parents Magazine has a few Easter craft ideas to entertain and delight your children.

Duration : 0:3:29



Bunny Masks-Take two paper plates. Cut one in half for the ears. Let the kids color the ears. Cut two eye holes from the other plate. Glue on a pom pom nose and yarn whiskers or just let the kids draw them on. Finally staple or glue the ears on and attach yarn to the plates so the kids can wear them.
Easter Cards-Fold construction paper in half. Then have the kids decorate them with Easter stickers, markers, and crayons.
Bunny Head bands-Cut paper into stripes then staple to the size of the child’s head. Have the kid decorate two bunny ears then staple the ears onto the band. You can also paint the kids noses pink.

I need some cute easter snack recipes (like eggs and stuff). Could I also have some dessert ideas? It’s getting late and I need gifts for my family for tomorrow of Easter!! Please Help!

16 whole natural almonds
10 jumbo marshmallows
1 cup powdered sugar
3 tablespoons whipping cream
One 9-ounce package Little Debbie Marshmallow Easter Puffs
1 to 2 drops blue food coloring
1 drop black food coloring

I am having realtives this year from my side of the family, Italian and my spouse’s Greek and want to do something special for the dining room table such as name place cards and decoration for the buffet table.

I would buy chocolate eggs and use frosting to write each guest’s name one one. Place it in a small Easter basker with some Easter basket grass and a few jelly beans.

I have to do a project for a easy A. In my school 7-8th graders have to do a religion project every quarter.. I want to write a essay. I would like to do it on Easter lilies seeings Lilies are my favorite flower.. I just don’t know why they use Lilies on Easter Sunday for his death.. If you know please explain. Or if you have any good projects in mind it would be awesome!

Easter lily origin – Is it spiritual?

Tradition states that the Easter lily originated in the Garden of Eden by the teardrops of Eve that she spread while leaving the Garden of Eden. They were teardrops of repentance. The Easter lily also has its roots in pagan rituals – specifically, Hera, the queen of motherhood.

For the Christian, the Easter lily is used in a positive sense and represents many things. The Easter lily is representative of Christ’s resurrection, it speaks of purity and innocence, being untainted by the world. The Easter lily also represents a new season, a new birth, such as when one comes to Christ.

Many times, the enemy (Satan) takes the things that God has created and distorts them, causing people to be deceived, and believe a lie. The Easter lily is not to be worshipped, however the lily can be used as a sign to represent new life.

How do you view the Easter lily? What does it mean to you? Does it represent Christ’s death and resurrection? Is the Easter lily symbolic of a new birth? Does the Easter lily relate to innocence or purity? God uses many things of this world, even the earth and its entire splendor as a sign.

Anyone know where I can get Chocolate Gift Baskets for Easter? We want to fill them with chocolate peanut butter eggs – and need to ship them to our clients throughout the United States.

We are looking for reasonable pricing, fast service, and of course, delicious chocolate eggs!

Please leave your comments below for a recommended supplier.



Visit Sweetique at http://www.sweetique.com

They have a variety of chocolate eggs and baskets to chose from – they even have private label eggs that you can send your clients – it makes great gifts.

We just ordered Real Egg Shells Filled With Praline Chocolate from their website.

Right now they have a promo where you get FREE shipping on any orders of $50 or more until Easter.

Happy Easter.



my son is turning one march 26th and i want to make him some kind of easter basket or something. he was a newborn last easter so we didn’t do anything for him. i know that he can’t have candy or any of the normal easter basket stuff. i want to go ahead and start this tradition now. i think he’ll enjoy going through a basket of goodies. any ideas on what to put in it? what did you do for your childs first/second easter?

put things like a coloring book in there
a toy that he has wanted
toy cars stuff he can play with

draft_lens1847913module9962874photo_1213291308colored-easter-eggs-photoWelcome to the Easter Idea Blog.  You’ll find lots of great ideas to make your Easter celebration special, from Easter decorations and Easter recipes to fun Easter crafts for kids.  If you want to make a delicious Easter dinner or know how to pick out Easter lilies or where to get great Easter gift baskets for friends and family you’ll find it here.  Have a look around and feel free to comment or add you own creative ideas.  Enjoy!

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