The kids are out for Easter break and they can’t really play outside because they all have runny noses. I would love for them to play outside but one day its hot & the next day its cold. I would love to come up with new things for them to do in the house. We’ve done all the basic stuff like coloring, painting, dressing up, ect… Please help
I feel you girl!! Mine are 3, 5 and 7….all boys!!!! They are on easter break now also. Boys? Girls?
With my boys today since they love to help, I had gotten some seeds, the biodegradable start pots and soil and we planted seeds this afternoon. You could lay out a tarp or blanket inside to minimize the mess and have them plant seeds. Get bigger pots or the long rectangle ones or even shallow bins or shoe boxes and have them make little gardens with seeds and or baby plants. you can also the the terranium or what ever it is called….get a cactus or humidy dwelling plan and a plastic container that seals, transfer the plant into it, watter it, close it up. you can display them inside or replant outside when the weather is right and they lean to care for plants. you can even use egg cartons for this.
play video games or boad games with the older ones, they will love the mommy time. Have them help you bake cookies or cupcakes, even the little one can pitch in and help stir/decorate.
If you have old socks (or extras} and craft eyes, puff balls etc, have them make puppets and put on a show for you or work with them to put on a show together for daddy. You can also use brown paper lunch bags.
Got a bday coming up? make cards. construction paper folded in half and whit pc paper folded in half, stencils, crayons (makers/paint/color pensils), glue, glitter, craft balls, pasta or anything you have on hand. Have them decorate the cards. put some glue down the inner seam of the construction paper and put the outer seam of the pc paper to it and the kids have cards from the heart to giveMy kids love to act goofy for the camera so we will let them make funny faces and pose for snap shots, print them or have them done at walmart and they can show them off…you can have a good laugh with the kids looking at them.
Have them create their own scrape book, just get them a binder and paper. punch holes in the paper and let them decorate, draw and put in the pictures you allow them to have in it. works well with the snap shot idea.
scavenger hunt inside. use your imagination for this one or hide a treat for them all and give them clues or directions/paces for them to find it. this helps with following directions by words or pictures and counting. They learn and get a reward.
Build a tent with blankets at the table or where ever for the boys to play camping or have a fort. for girls it can be a princesses castle, the imaginations will run wild!!!
Hope this helps. Like I said, my 3 are boys so girl ideas are a little harder for me to suggest but anything can be altered at their ages. Also some malls have inside paly areas that are nice, mine here has one and it is free to let the kids play at. Great for all their ages. Don’t forget to ask them what they want to do. They may just want to watch a movie with hot chocolate and popcorn, have you/them read a book to the rest of you or something relaxing for you. Mine like to all go lay in my bed with me to watch a movie or cartoon.
Have fun with it!!!